So picture this, you and your best friend have matching perfumes, somehow theirs smells nicer than yours; different even. How does that happen when it’s the same perfume?It’s a whole science in itself, everyone’s different and these factors can impact how your fragrance performs on your skin and for how long.
pH balance: those with drier skin types tend to have a stronger-smelling perfume as opposed to those with oilier skin. Why you ask, have you ever put a fragrance on your wrist and washed your hands and it’s immediately smelt dimmed down? That’s similar to what oily skin does to an alcohol-based fragrance. Not to worry, here at Oud Attar, our fragrances are in the purest form of perfume oil so they will hold their integrity with any skin type
Hormones: as we know, our bodies experience natural hormone fluctuations that can influence our scent profiles; this goes for everyone alike. Throughout the month, our bodies go through phases that shift our body chemistry. Whether you’re experiencing heightened scent during during particular phases or even a subtler aroma during others, is all part of our body's way of telling us that we’re healthy and totally unique.
Body chemistry: similar to pH balance, your skin microbiota and your natural body chemicals will react differently to the same fragrance and no it doesn’t matter if you and your bestie have the same skincare routine. I know. I’m sad too.
Diet: everything we eat affects all aspects of our lives, including how our perfume smells on us. Depending on what you put into your body, it can make your skin more acidic or alkaline. Thus creating different scent profiles. Oh, and if you’re heavy handed with the stronger smelling foods; onions and garlic, they’re going to seep through your skin and interact with the perfume also. So, if you’re planning a hot night out - stick to greens!
Natural ingredients: depending on the type of ethics the brand practises, some fragrances may be more natural than others. And with natural ingredients, there is a natural difference from batch to batch. Various factors can impact this. I.E different times of year that the ingredients are harvested could be stronger could be weaker. Could even be different in colour.
Having the same perfume as your closest one is always a beautiful sentiment, but your body putting its own twist on it and making it super unique to you? Now that’s special.