We all love smelling great, especially when we get compliments on our favourite perfumes, this makes us endeavour for them to keep them coming. You want your favourite scent to last the whole day, from the moment when we put them on, to when you are snuggling into bed. So when you find a scent that fulfils this desire, you don’t want it to start fading away in the afternoon after a few months.
To feel and smell great, picking a wonderful scent is half the battle. The perfume needs to project and last for others to notice, something eye-catching but not overpowering. So when you’ve found that magical scent, how can you make sure it lasts the whole day for months if not years?
Unfortunately, some perfumes don’t even last the whole day and get worse over time. This can be due to a number of factors, ingredients, tones and even quality. But what can you do to prolong the life of your favourite perfume?
We are here to help, below are 5 things you can do to prolong the life of your perfumes.
Don't keep your perfume in the bathroom

Keep your perfume in a cool place
The best place to store perfume bottles is somewhere cool, surprisingly a fridge wouldn’t be the worst idea. It would keep your fridge smelling great and your scent potent. The key is to keep the surrounding temperature constant, this would prevent a chemical change in the scent and make it last that little bit longer. If your fridge is a little tight on space, a cupboard, dresser drawer or dark closet would be great too.
Keep the cap on your bottle
It’s common knowledge that liquids evaporate, especially in hot climates and direct sunlight. To add to this, alcohol has a tendency of evaporating at much lower temperatures compared to water. This means that if you were to leave your favourite perfume bottle out without its cap on, it would start evaporating and therefore changing the scent, longevity and worst of all, your perfume would be disappearing into thin air... Oil based perfumes don’t contain any alcohol so they don't have this behaviour, we would still recommend leaving the cap on your Oil based perfumes to preserve the potency.
Keep your perfume bottles out of direct sunlight
Direct sunlight has the biggest effect on your perfume.
This is because direct sunlight starts to
break down the chemicals that produce your perfumes wonderful scent. During this breakdown, chemicals can spark a reaction, which is worn on your skin can cause irritation. Alcohol-based perfumes are more prone to this due to its chemical nature as its easily broken down at low temperatures.
Keep The Box
Above we mentioned that you should keep your perfume out of direct sunlight. Unfortunately, some of you probably live in amazing houses that have full-sized glass walls and face a spectacular sunrise. Which would mean you don’t have a means of keeping your favourite perfume out of direct sunlight. Not to worry, a great place to keep your perfume bottles is in the boxes that they came in, so be careful unboxing your next bottle.
Mind you, some perfume boxes are better than other, I bet some names come to mind already.